CultureTalks: Culture, Art & Innovation – Event
CultureTalks: Culture, Art & Innovation
CultureTalks” is an initiative powered by Innovation Hive, that highlights the
exciting combination of technology, culture, and art. Our aim is to create a
community that incorporates a multicultural perspective through modern
technology, emphasizing the entrepreneurial elements that must accompany it, and
advocating for equal access for all. “CultureTalks” draws inspiration from the
timeless value of tradition, combining it with the possibilities of technology to
enhance cultural understanding both locally and on a European level.
Our approach is expressed for the first time with Culture Lab, a pioneering online
platform where we formulate and promote these ideas, with the goal of
strengthening culture on multiple levels.
Whether you are an artist, creator, cultural professional, or just an art lover, Culture
Lab invites you to join a dynamic audience on 21/11/2023 at 19:00 at the Municipal
Gallery of Larissa, to expand your cultural impact by upgrading your knowledge and